6:30am Photo Essay
I took a walk this morning. I'll be walking every morning to Pioneer Square to my Mandarin Class. Today was a test run, to see if I could do it. No problem.
This first picture is of my dinner the other night. It was too much food, of course. Salmon broiled with salt and pepper, steamed rice, potato salad, kim chee, fried tofu, spinach, bean sprouts, salted cucumbers, and a crunchy-waxy noodle salad.
LINK light rail construction on MLK Blvd. Support column for arial approach to Beacon Hill tunnel.
Series of light rail columns.
Oh Boy! Oberto! Factory outlet store.
Oh Boy! Oberto! You tell me what it looks like.
Sculpture in the ID.

The restaurant plaza down on Occidental in Pioneer Square. This section of street is closed to vehicles, brick paved, and quiet. It's totally a european style restaurant plaza for open air dining. The only problem; no restaurants. These are all art galleries.

The one food-related business in the plaza is the renowned Caff� Umbria.
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