Saturday, May 05, 2007

Yah, Right.

I want to eat popcorn. I'm not supposed to, right?

I googled "popcorn" and "diabetes and found this page, which seems to say that it's good for me.... In that case, extra butter and salt!

That's a neat trick! Now I am going to google "pizza" and "diabetes".... somebody out there is going to say that pizza lowers glucose levels in the blood....
Next: liqueur-soaked cake with fruit covered with a sugary puree.....


Orange said...

My dad became diabetic in his adult years, and he drank a crapload of red wine. And by "crapload," I mean 15+ units of alcohol a day, all day, every day. You'd think that quantity of sugar would be bad for blood sugar, but I think somehow the alcohol distracts the organs that process the sugar, so it didn't elevate his blood sugar so much.

Disclaimer: I do not recommend being the alcoholic variety of diabetic. It tends to lead to an early death.

Delia Christina said...

yeah, i'm with orange.
my roomie's mom drank heavily and was super diabetic and she went into a coma and died. dude.