Thursday, May 10, 2007

Five Pounds Later

First of all, please send good vibes to 安玛丽 and 姐尼, whose mother Mary Jane passed away this week. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul rest in peace, Amen.


I had an appointment with my diabetes RN today; she said my levels were good, and she encouraged me to experiment; eat carbs, and see how my body handles them. Say no more.

It seems I have lost five pounds in the last week. The nurse was a little annoyed at such a dramatic loss in one week, but I totally haven't been trying; I've just been eating better and walking a little. Funny.

My sister and I are going out of town on Memorial Day Weekend. I first thought we might go to Vancouver, but then I remembered I sent my passport to the Chinese consulate for a Visa. Is the passport requirement in place yet? If so, we're either going to Portland or the ocean. We'll see.

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