Monday, June 12, 2006

Monday Morning Update

Update: H and I didn't make it to no-name naeng myun restaurant yesterday; it was getting late. So maybe today.

Instead we made mool naeng myun from a make-at-home kit. The broth was good until I added too much ice.

Hey db, what is the story of that banchan that is crunchy, waxy noodles tossed with julienne carrots and mayo? Those noodles are confusing (and delicious).

Hey Arne, in January of 2005 I posted about my Swedish dinner. What do you think?

As I was leaving H's house last night, I asked her to watch the 11pm news: we had both fell for the teaser about Lt. Watada. (blogger doesn't seem to want me to post a photo today.) There was no story about Lt. Watada, just a question about the atmosphere on base; he says there's tension, but no one is being mean to him.

So two things I realized: a) stop falling for local news teasers! and b) I might have a little man crush on Lt. Watada. Well, that may be an overstatement. But if I were in his shoes, even thought I agree with him 100%, I might just bite my tongue and let them deploy me. So I think that there are more soldiers who think like him, but are afraid to stand up.

Finally, three Guantanamitos have hanged themselves. Why were they in Guantanamo? Who knows, they were never charged with anything, and there was no trial in sight. Admiral Harris tells us that their suicides were an attack(?!) rather than an act of desperation. Thanks BitchPhd.

To me they serve as a reminder. Remember when American had habeas corpus? That's the America I used to believe in.

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