Monday, November 14, 2005

feeding monkeys

Your president was WRONG about weapons of mass distruction. The original reason for going to war in Iraq turned out to be false. However, the American people are too easily distracted, and are easily redirected. I remember before the war when the White House suddenly stopped talking about bin Laden and suddenly started talking about Saddam Hussein. Four months later, we noticed it on tv and on the radio.... hey, I thought we were looking for that other guy...

Now if we bring up the fact that his reasons turned out to be wrong, he says we're sending the wrong message to the troops. That's just tacky. He got it wrong, he sent the troops, we point out his mistake and he gets mad that we're hurting the troops' morale. God forbid we draw attention to his screw up! Who knows how to resolve the situation now, what a mess. Too bad he wasn't right. 2000 Americans are dead (and counting) and an uncounted number Iraquis, and there's no end in sight. So fine, let the troops finish their mission, which, by the way, was a mistake to order in the first place.

In quanto alla situazione al lavoro, fa schifo. Hanno deciso il comite ed il direttore di non spedire ai ragazzi cattivi. Protegere alle ragazze non e la priorita. Hanno fatto il loro decisione senza di pensare nel danno che gia si ha fatto al ambiente della scuola. Secondo me, il nuovo direttore si e reso ridiculo dalle donne. Io credo che ci ne sono nella faculta chi hanno voglia di cercare lavoro in altro posto. Io per esempio. Bruttisimo.

I missed some of the testing deadlines for the certification program, so I'll have to wait till next fall of 2007.

Bad news all around.

Luckily, there was this story about feeding monkeys. When you have a moment, check out Harold Taw's essay on This I Believe. For the past three years, he has been allowed to feed the monkeys on his birthday at the Woodland Park Zoo.

This was the good news I needed to hear today.

update: It turns out I didn't really miss those deadlines. I'm still on track for SU MIT class of 2006. We'll see....

1 comment:

Micaela said...

altro lavoro! porque no teneis un "walkout" por lo menos? pueden incluyir todos los estudiantes tambien y los otros en solidaridad. Iria yo a hacer una "picket" o algo asi!