Monday, May 23, 2005


I have been slammed at work.

Here's a pedestrian dialectology article saything that Seattle speech is different than California, Canada, and that Western Vanilla English is not as homogenous as they thought. I've been saying that forever, but whatever, I don't write pedestrian dialectology articles. People do not listen to language; the proper answer to the proposition is DUH.

Ask me about my refi experience, I might tell you.

I bought some travel pants yesterday that are amazing and awesome in every way, but (there's always a but) they include a mesh brief sewn inside, like swim trunks. I emailed the company to ask them about the sewn-in mesh brief, and they said that they were designed for 'commando' use, i.e., without underwear; if I don't like that, I can just cut them out with some scissors.

What do you think? Do I

  • a) leave the mesh brief in, and not wear underwear? or
  • b) cut the mesh out, and use my own underwear?

Please not that there is no 'none of the above' or 'all of the above' options available.

I'm late to my meeting now, but I have so so much to write. I probably won't do it tonight.


Delia Christina said...

where are you traveling you need a 'mobility panel'?

keep them in. the idea of all that untethered mobility underneath pants is disturbing.

jp 吉平 said...

shouldn't I cut the mesh briefs out and use my own underwear?

I am test driving them right now, commando style. I'll give you a final report later.

db said...

Cut, cut, cut! Underwear should ALWAYS be separate from the outerwear.

db said...

Oh My God. I just went to the link to see what the pants looked like. I have the exactsame pair. I'm not kidding! Except mine is for girls and it doesn't come with the attached mesh. I guess girls don't do commando style?

db said...

I just bought some surfing shorts that did not have the grape-smugglers built in. I'm gonna have to wear my Speedo bikini underneath to prevent chafing on the double stitched center seam.

M (db's husband, aka Spiderman)

Delia Christina said...

thank goodness it's you, M.
for a minute i was wondering where the hell db learned a phrase like 'grape smugglers.'

if one must go commando, have some control over the commandante. keep the mesh! keep the mesh!

(with these pants, i think that if you wear underwear there will be bunching.)