Monday, April 18, 2005


I am totally fixated on the Conclave. Not that I'm a pope watcher or even a pope fan, but as a Catholic, I just feel like our religion is among the more visually stimulating. Also, by watching all the coverage, we nobodies can feel like we're a part of something. Those who can't, watch.

For Pope, I think I like Mons. Rodr�guez from Honduras--a Latin American with concern for the poor. There's also Mons. Danneels from Belgium, who is nice and liberal. I also like Archbishop Emeritus Martini of Milano, who is a liberal and an SJ, but he didn't even make it onto the Popapalooza brackets.

It's time for Seattle Catholic FAQ! Send me your questions, I'll be glad to give you my perspective.


Delia Christina said...

i have a shameful confession:
this morning, while watching oprah (jon stewart was on) i had a fit because they INTERRUPTED the program to show us the beginning of the conclave.

i wrote two indigant letters to abc and left an irate voicemail at their corporate offices.

(showing me the princes of the church walking into the chapel is not worthy of special reportage to me. telling me who the new pope is? that's a special report.)

db said...

When some co-workers and I were talking about the pope and the Vatican, I said, "the massive appearance of Europeans to the Pope's funeral and now the Conclave is just another excuse for them not to work," to which I think I heard hissing sounds.

The total europhiles tried convince me that Italians really, really, do care about religion. Crap. Italians just want to claim Vatican for themselves because it goes well with their sense of pomposity.

Having said that, I'm totally addicted to the coverage of the new pope.

Delia Christina said...

i totally called it. i got home from an interview this morning and roomie was watching the coverage of the white smoke.

so we're sitting there waiting for the announcement and i said, it's gonna be ratzinger.

she said, why?

i said, complete hardliner.

and lo, it was so. while i like the name benedict, i have to say it's a little bit of a scary pope name. (have you seen his weird thumb?)