Saturday, March 05, 2005

Saturday Morning

It's Saturday morning, but I got up at 7:30 and took a shower anyway. Sometimes on my days off I don't shower until late afternoon, which means I waste a day on the couch. I didn't want to waste today.

So I hopped in the car for breakfast at the Silver Fork and then to get gas. After that, I had a vague notion that I would sit somewhere nice and write.

Anyway, I got to the Silver Fork, and it was packed, so I didn't go in. I drove all over south Seattle and downtown until I finally ended up at the Mecca. I ordered corned beef hash with two eggs over medium and wheat toast. It was exactly what I wanted. I was worried that it was taking too long, but when it finally got to me, I realized that my hash had spent all that time on the grill, because every single bite of it had that crusty crust. It was awesome. It also had some green pepper in it, which I am now a huge fan of.

Then I drove all the way back to Rainier Beach to get my Safeway gas. It was $1.93/gallon AFTER my double discount. What crap.

It's now past 11, and I'm back home, because I'm sleepy again. I'll go out and write after a nap.

I checked the mail when I got home, and a kid I know is having his Eagle Scout ceremony. I have two things to say about this.

  1. The Boy Scout motto is "be prepared." I had always understood it in the general sense, as in 'be prepared for any eventuality.' Now that I'm a bitter old man, I understand it as 'be prepared in case of a foreign invasion or major natural disaster.' If someone had explained it to me that way, maybe I would have tollerated all that same-sex camping.
  2. I'm planning on attending the ceremony, not because I support the homophobic organization, but because I support the kid, and also because the invitation had some of the best words in the English language: "Dinner will be served."

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