Monday, February 07, 2005

Speaking of Octopus

One of the things my sister misses most is Spanish style octopus. They boil it for an hour, and then snip it to pieces; salt, olive oil, paprika. It is awesome.

So the other day I went to Uwajimaya and took home two arms. It had been previously steamed. The finished product turned out chewier than we were used to, but delicious. I think even the steamed octupus needs to be boiled for an hour.

My sister H is on her way to Portland now, finally, she's going with her friend V on a road trip to a medical conference. When V came by to pick up H, she parked in the street and came inside. She didn't set her parking break, so while she was in the house, the car rolled backwards a few doors down the street, and then turned 90 degrees and backed over the curb, and then ended up suspended on the sidewalk, back wheels hanging over a ditch. A chain link fence had stopped it from rolling al the way down.

It took a tow truck with a winch to pull it out of the ditch, and while standing out in the cold, I managed to meet the neighbors, A and G next door, and P down the street, who invited me to the CAT meeting.

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