Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Here's a gross story!

J was talking to P and I and suddenly she interrupted herself and said I think I walked through poop, and I feel like there's poop on me, and I feel gross. There was a big pile of poop spread out around the entrance to the back door, and I think it was human poop and I think it was spread out on purpose so people would have to walk through it. And people had walked through it, and the hallway around that door smelled like poop.

So P called F and he went out to the back door and confirmed that the poop did indeed seem to be placed there on purpose. He did notice a new detail, and that was that the poop was dripping from the fire escape above.

I saw him going back and forth through the hallway with a bucket of water. I did not offer to help as I am definately not on the poop brigade. After a few trips, I asked him how it was going. He said that the poop was indeed dripping down through the grates of the first floor fire escape, but that was only because it had fallen through the grates of the second and third floor fire escape landings.

It seemed that the poop delivery device, whether bucket or butt-direct, had originated from the third floor, and the poop had fallen through all of the landings and dripped all the way to the ground. J was pretty distraught at the idea of poop falling on her.

The best part was that there had been a fire escape scheduled for that day. Thank goodness it had been cancelled, but either it was a crazy wild coincidence that someone pooped on the fire escape the day of a fire drill or it was someone who had a calendar. Imagine hundreds of kids in my building walking through dripping poop and tracking it on their shoes into my class room. YUCK.

Tomorrow is the real fire drill. I will check it for tai beforehand.

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