Tuesday, June 12, 2007



Tell me you did NOT just try to give me an extra day in Seoul, making me a) pay for another night in the hotel, and b) arrive a day late for my program.

(the picture is borrowed from prodigalsun).

I'm about to "modify somebody's itinerary" up in here! There's gonna be a fight!

Update: I called Asiana this morning, they found me an Air China flight to Hangzhou on the 4th. However, they want me to go to Seoul, go to their counter, get a stamp, then go to the Air China counter.... does it sound like I don't have a seat on the Air China flight?

So I asked if I could handle this now, she said, no, only the day of travel. So I asked if I could do it in Seattle, and she said yes. Great, Air China. Smoking and 75 degree cabins.

Sigh; I'm imagining the different ways they're going to screw me over on this one. What the hell is going to happen to my checked bags? Maybe I won't check a bag...


Delia Christina said...

how can you go to china without checking luggage? only pack one outfit?

jp 吉平 said...

Rick Steves says that packing for six weeks is the same as packing for six days... the trick is to do laundry every week.

so, a weeks' worth of underwear, t-shirts, and socks; all white so they wash in one load.

Three or four collared shirts to rotate, two pairs of pants, one pair of shorts, and one pair of shoes that can go from casual to respectable.

That's it!

Its easy to be a dude.