Sunday, January 28, 2007

Hey, a TV show about what's wrong with America.

Here's a short summary of all the messages brought to you by Battlestar Galactica:

Genocide = bad (A Measure of Salvation)
Secret Tribunals = bad (Collaborators)
Military Occupation = bad (Occupation)
Torture Interrogation = bad (Taking a Break...)
Election Fraud = bad (Lay Down Your Burdens 2)
Trying to make women have babies they don't want = bad (The Farm)

1 comment:

Trope said...

or, Trying to make women have babies they don't want = good (The Captain's Hand)

Last week was just brutal. I'm almost pleased to have a week off before jumping back into the mire again. But then I don't get to find out what happened to Hera! Need more BSG!

I don't know how to comment with my real name anymore, but this is 'Trope.