Thursday, August 04, 2005

I have a headache

I woke up this morning to H's alarm clock. Grr.

We made a shade for our big skylight. I don't mind the sun, but the heat's too much. The shade has only been up for a couple hours, but I can already tell it's keeping my house way cooler.

Last night I was so inspired by db, that I made a bunch of gazpacho for dinner; I didn't peel strain it, so it was rather pulpy. H, who has lived in spain, follows the philosophy is really a garbage disposal, so I didnt' sweat it. I also improv'ed a salade ni�oise, and that was our dinner.

I have to practice practice practice guitar. My teacher gave me two songs to learn, two white people guitar songs I never heard of. They are definately appropriate, but it just cracks me up when he suggests songs.

I wish I didn't have to wake up so early, because now my head hurts and I can't go back to sleep of course because the Navy Thunderbirds or the Blue Angels or whoever the hell that is is flying over my house and reminding me of US air superiority.

1 comment:

Delia Christina said...

see? how come you get this one and i get apocalypse now?
