Monday, June 27, 2005

Aix-en Provence. Dinner last night was leftover salmon cake, a salad made up of leftover rice and tomatoes, and a big plate of cheese; there was a blue, two chevres, compte, and some parmiggiano. Afterwards we drove into town and went for a stroll. V had a lot to show me but I was already getting tired.

My first day in Paris I had a splitting headache, but I've already forgotten it. Now, in my family, I should be having a language headache, but I haven't felt it this time. I'm consiously learning a lot of new words, and realizing more about words I had already learned. And remembering words imporant to Provence, like les calanques, la ferronnerie, etc.

Normalement=it's supposed to be
A partir de=desde

I'm stuffy this morning; it's either the cold morning air or some secret mosquito bite I haven't yet discovered.

To do: laundry, interrnet cafe, call J and kids.
I think V is taking me back to Aix for tours.

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