Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Short Break From Grading.

Here's J's thesis on Korean-style Chinese food.

In Seattle, Korean restaurants can be sorted into two categories: teriyaki restaurants, and Korean enclave restaurants.

The teriyaki restaurants are most often bulgogi and cater to white folks--i.e., saucy, cheap, and huge portions. These restaurants are all over the place. Mexicans love bulgogi. Did you know?

The restaurants in the Korean enclaves are more mysterious to me, because they tend to be way out in the sprawl, or in Tacoma, so I don't get out there often. There are a few Korean grill places; I don't get to go to those usually unless I get a group together, which invariably means my parents. They might be secretly Korean.

I spend my days also looking for a Korean lunch counter like Steve's in Ass Arbor. I had a cold, cucumber soup once there that I still dream about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Latinos love Korean food, especially kimchee. -- Julie