Friday, January 28, 2005

Mashed Avocado

Guacamole is good. In Mexico, we never had American-style guacamole with a lot of spicy ingredients. Instead, we had a avocados mashed completely smooth with a pinch of salt and some lime juice. I like to throw in some hot peppers. Spread it on a tostada. That's all. It should taste like avocado.

Today I went with some other teachers to visit S, who had a tumorous section of her jaw removed and replaced with some of her hip bone. She's doing well; she should start taking liquids orally this Sunday. She'll have to have radiation treatment to stop lymphoma from spreading.

The parents brought lunch to the faculty today. They call it "Gratia" and it's a whole bunch of salads and a dessert or two. One thing about working at an uppity mostly-white school is that the parents bring good food. At that other school, we got a grocery plate of cold cuts.

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