Thursday, November 04, 2004

So Bush won the election, and this time, unless there was fraud on a massive scale, he won by actually getting more votes.

So what have we learned?

Most of America is red. Geographically and demographically.

They don't mind that 'innocent until proven guilty in a court of law' was thrown out the window at Guantanamo Bay.

They shrug at our apparent dismissal of the Geneva Convention and constitutional protections at Abu Graib.

They buy hook line and sinker the painfully simplistic fallacy that we can keep the homeland safe by sending kids to die in Iraq.

They're happy to impose their religious values on the rest of the population, enshrining their homophobia and their contempt for a woman's right to choose in a house of cards they ironically label -moral values- despite the constitutional separation of church and state.

They accept the reports that America has enough soldiers in Iraq to occupy effectively, even though the National Guard has been double tapped and we've had to ask the British to cover us.

They're not bothered that we've gone from having a budget surplus to having a massive deficit due to a blanket tax cut, an unforseen war on two fronts, and a sagging economy.

There are two Americas; one America is red and refuses to live up to it's own constitutional standards. We in the other America are invisible to them, they refuse to see us. There's just one America, they say, their eyes fixed on the path to the right.

We know what's down that path. It's called fascism, and we will not go with them. So either a) an entire generation of Americans needs to retake high school civics, or b) we learn the hard way, and the cultural and ideological differences represented on the electoral map become battle lines.

I told you already. We will not go with them.

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